Signs of Anxiety
Anxiety can show up in many different ways - shaped by your age, your cultural background, and your genetic history.
Diagnosing anxiety can be complicated because some symptoms of anxiety overlap with symptoms of medical conditions (e.g., migraines, stomach illnesses, thyroid conditions, heart conditions). For this reason, it is important to obtain a medical opinion in addition to the opinion of a mental health specialist when experiencing somatic symptoms (body-based symptoms) of anxiety.
Here are a few common signs of anxiety:
Worrying about the future
Worrying about being around others or what others think of you
Worrying about specific things, like heights or airplanes
Troubling or worrisome thoughts that you cannot get out of your mind
Experiencing a fear of being closed in
Experiencing a fear of being in open spaces
Experiencing fear of separating from a parent
Having difficulty controlling worries
Experiencing a racing heart rate
Shortness of breath
Physical discomfort (stomachaches, headaches, chest pain)
Worrying about having a panic attack
As you can see, anxiety can take many different forms. For many people, anxiety is focused in not just one, but multiple areas. Fortunately, many treatments have been developed to treat anxiety, and some treatments address multiple forms of anxiety (more on these later in our series).
We treat anxiety in children, adolescents, and adults at our practice. For more information, call (330) 492-8383.